October 23, 2019

Touristing: Petra, Jordan

I know I promised to show more photos from our trip to Jordan 3 posts ago, but oh well, better late than ever. Now these photos were taken in our visit to Petra, an open air museum where we walked for a whole day, climbed stairs carved into soil and rocks for 45 minutes straight, and was breath-taken by the view, especially when we made it to the top. This was the most memorable part of our trip, and definitely the (only) place I would recommend for you to go if you want to go to Jordan. Scroll below for more x

- There are so many things to discover here and also so much walking to do, so I'd highly recommend to have 1 full day to enjoy Petra.
- It's a long drive from Amman, so be prepared. The roads unfortunately had constructions when we drove up there and back so it was kind of a struggle. Luckily there are many free parking spaces nearby.
The only way to exit is through the entrance, so be aware that you have to walk all the way back (one way is 2,3 km).
- It is better to book a ticket in advance to pass the entrance queue. Also note here that it costs 50 JOD which is something around 70 USD for a daily ticket.
-Wear sneakers, you'll thank me later. And also have a water bottle and some snacks with you.

- Now, it's almost a desert environment so be prepared, it gets really hot and then cold all of a sudden. I'd advice to carry a light jacket, just to be prepared.
-After the Siq and the Treasury, the most beautiful gem (yet the most difficult one to get to) lies after 45 minutes of uphill walking. There are carved stairs but it was really hard for us to get to the top. You can also use donkeys (please don't). The view up there was breathtaking though, a temple from the 2nd century lies with its full glory. You can also stop here for as long as you'd like (this is the last stop) and get something to eat or have a drink at the cafe placed up there, before you head back.

Now I got the travel fever again, just by going through the photos. God knows we deserve a good vacation and a time-off from our studies. Where shall we go next? We actually thought about going to Barcelona for our second year anniversary happening in December, but the situation there is not so welcoming at the moment... Also considered going to Iceland but the sun is only up for a couple of hours so maybe it's better to go there in Spring. Maybe to Rome, my favorite city in the world, or Paris? (take a hint Kerem haha). 
Hopefully, I'll be done with my exams for the first term, and won't have to take a resit or something, because I must tell you, the work load is freakishly heavy, but I guess I asked for it. I have to say that I plan to get hammered on Wednesday and stay drunk until Sunday night, since the second term starts on Monday. Moving on with a more positive note: MY BEST FRIEND IS COMING TO AMSTERDAM IN 2 DAYS. I keep planning our days in my head, but I know once she gets here, she'll have it all planned out and I'll be the one tagging along, haha. But honestly, I missed her so so much (and the others back in Istanbul) that it will be just heartwarming to have her here for 5 days.

Be kind to yourself,
 Petra

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