Ever since I got back from Istanbul, I've been meeting with old friends and making new. With the start of
a new academic year, so many people have moved to the accommodation where I'm staying for another 6
months, and it has been lovely so far. With that being said, I have one last course that I have to give, which
started somewhat intensely as I'll have a quiz on the first week of the class. But the silver lining is that I now
have "something" in my life that requires my attention and energy which I lacked in the last couple of
months. In the mean time, I have been continuing my excessive readings as always and ordering books
even though I have a stash of books waiting for me on my shelf. Since my last post, I have finished:
months. In the mean time, I have been continuing my excessive readings as always and ordering books
even though I have a stash of books waiting for me on my shelf. Since my last post, I have finished:
Brain Influence (4/5),
The Tattooist of Auschwitz (5/5),
Life of Pi (2/5),
A World Without Islam (4/5),
It Didn't Start With You (4/5),
Philosophy in the Boudoir (3/5),
The Art of War (3/5),
Mor (4/5),
and started reading Conversations With Friends which is going pretty good.
I also got my hands on my new SLR camera, Canon AE-1 which I was looking forward to for a long time.
I never shot with SLR camera before so it's going to be a trial period for a couple of weeks but I'm looking
forward to having developed films from now on. I even signed up for a photography course online to get
the basics, it's going to be fun.
I never shot with SLR camera before so it's going to be a trial period for a couple of weeks but I'm looking
forward to having developed films from now on. I even signed up for a photography course online to get
the basics, it's going to be fun.
Another thing that I started but didn't really get into was the online classes from Udemy. They had this
huge discount a while ago and I found myself getting 5 of their classes at once, ranging from Yoga to
Beginners Dutch and Marketing. I still haven't started any of them but I'm thinking of starting the
Dutch course sometime soon, and I'm also thinking about learning Italian because I've been hanging
out with Italians in my building and the language is beautiful.
huge discount a while ago and I found myself getting 5 of their classes at once, ranging from Yoga to
Beginners Dutch and Marketing. I still haven't started any of them but I'm thinking of starting the
Dutch course sometime soon, and I'm also thinking about learning Italian because I've been hanging
out with Italians in my building and the language is beautiful.
Lastly, I started attending HipHop classes at the Amsterdam Dance Academy. Man, the class is so
fast and I feel so sore starting from the fifth minute, but it's exhilarating to learn the routines and
dance with passionate people. I still have to get over my stage fright, but it's a process, and one day
I won't sit down when at the end of the class we have to do the routine with a smaller group. The
only problem is that I know I won't go there alone and I need someone that I can drag with me.
fast and I feel so sore starting from the fifth minute, but it's exhilarating to learn the routines and
dance with passionate people. I still have to get over my stage fright, but it's a process, and one day
I won't sit down when at the end of the class we have to do the routine with a smaller group. The
only problem is that I know I won't go there alone and I need someone that I can drag with me.
Anyway, I guess this was it for now. I'll be back in some time, I always do.
In the mean time, stay safe and healthy.
In the mean time, stay safe and healthy.
& be kind to yourself,